Go to the following location in "Velen - No Man's Land", which is southwest of Novigrad. Note: Since the nearby merchant only has a limited number of crowns, you will need to sell the cow hides to other shop keepers to get more crowns. Repeat this process as many times as desired. Talk to him, then select the "Other" tab from his shop's inventory to find the "Cow Hide" option to sell all of your hides to him. Once satisfied, go to the merchant directly across the road from the cow pasture. Kill the cows again, and repeat the process to accumulate a large number of cow hides, as well as meat for healing. Then, meditate for two hours where you killed them by pausing the game, selecting "Meditation", and advancing the time by two hours. Kill all the cows at that location with your sword or fire magic. Before crossing the Woesong Bridge to leave the town of Midcopse in White Orchard early in the game, jump over the fence to enter a grass pasture with some cows at this location. Note: This exploit was patched after Version 1.1. Additionally, make sure to do this during the day, as merchants and armorers are not around at night. If the merchant does not have shells in stock, either meditate or fast travel to another map, then check again. Note: The game stops saving your crowns if you go above 65,535 and will revert them to a previous state. Selling the pearl you get from it gives you 109 coins, which is a 101 coins profit per shell. Buying and dismantling a shell costs 8 coins. You can also buy florens so he has more money, and then just convert florens to crowns at the bank in Novigrad. Alternately, go to the Loan Shark in Navigrad since his money comes back each time you leave. Next, meditate for five days, and the armorer will have roughly 1,000 coins again. Sell the pearls to the armorer until he runs out of money. Go to the armorer right next to the merchant, and dismantle the shells to get pearls. Once you reach Velen, you can swim directly to Novigrad or take a boat to get there. Then, exit the shop, talk to the merchant again, and he will have all the shells in stock again. First, go to the merchant at the following location at Hierarch Square in Novigrad. You must buy shells from a merchant, dismantle them, and then sell the pearls for a higher price. This glitch allows you to earn over 1,000 crowns per minute.
Wiedzmin 2 na ps4 install#
You can avoid patches being installed by disconnecting from the internet until you are ready for the game to install new patches. To avoid not being able to use this exploit, either do not install new patches before using this exploit or delete the patches.

Note: This glitch was performed on an unpatched version of the game. If you meditate for five days, the shops will get all their money (crowns) back. Thus, stay under that number to avoid losing any crowns. Sell all the items you get from this exploit for lots of crowns. Turn the camera in a 360 degree circle or walk a short distance away from the nest, and then loot the nest again for all items to have respawned. You can leave any item, but you must leave one item or this will not work. Go to any monster nest, and loot everything in the nest except for one item.